I am working on a data logging project for 3 sensors.
Basically there are three tasks:
(1) DAQTask to read data
(2) ControllerTask as an intermediate thread to dispatch data to SD card and optionally apply filter for other display node like Wifi terminal
(3) SDCardTask
The workflow is :
DAQTask ->|daqMsgQueue|->ControllerTask->|sdMsgQueue|->SdCardTask
Problem: intermittent data corruption on SD card.
After several days of debugging I have narrowed the problem to a local function that is to serialize raw sensor data to a character stream with code snippet below:
static void SDDataSerializer(daq_data_t *inBuf, const char *serBuf)
String sensorData = ""; ///delcare it as static String sensorData to solve data corruption issue
sensorData = String(inBuf->sensorA)
+ "," + String(inBuf->sensorB)
+ "," + String(inBuf->sensorC);
serBuf = (const char *)sensorData.c_str();
To solve the problem of intermittent data corruption I needed to declare String sensorData
as static String sensorData
. This method contradicts my knowledge of RTOS that, as long as it is a local function with a single task calling it, all local variables are saved in the stack of the task and there is no need to declare that variable as static in the global space. But somehow once I have changed String sensorData
to static String sensorData
in SDDataSerializer()
above, no more data corruption is observed. Why?
Below please find the full listing in pseudocode format. The fcn SDDataSerializer() is declared in SDCardTask.cpp as a local function.
///main data structure
typedef struct{
sensorA_data_t sensorA;
sensorB_data_t sensorB;
sensorC_data_t sensorC;
//Filename: DAQTask.cpp
//This task ranks the highest priority (6) to read data from 3 sensors at 50Hz and dispatch to daqMsgQueue
void DAQTask(void *pvParameters)
(void) pvParameters;
TickType_t xLastWakeTime;
daq_data_t result;
xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, 20); //50Hz DAQ rate
xQueueSend(daqMsgQueue, (void *)&result, (TickType_t)2);
//Filename: ControllerTask.cpp
//Data handler function to dispatch messages to sdMsgQueue and optional wifiMsgQueue
static void DaqDataHandler(daq_data_t *inBuf)
xQueueSend(sdMsgQueue, (void *)inBuf, 2);
///...optionally apply filter to raw data and send the results to a Wifi node
daq_data_t filter_result = Filter(inBuf);
xQueueSend(wifiMsgQueue, (void *)&filter_result, 2);
//This task ranks the lower next to DAQTask as an intermediate task
void ControllerTask(void *pvParameters)
daq_data_t inResult;
if(xQueueReceive(daqMsgQueue, (void*)&inResult, 0)==pdTRUE)
DaqDataHandler((daq_data_t *)&inResult);
//Filename: SDCardTask.cpp
//Data serializer function for SD Card
static void SDDataSerializer(daq_data_t *inBuf, const char *serBuf)
String sensorData = "";
sensorData = String(inBuf->sensorA)
+ "," + String(inBuf->sensorB)
+ "," + String(inBuf->sensorC);
serBuf = (const char *)sensorData.c_str();
//SD card task to receive data from sdMsgQueue and write to SD card
void SDCardTask(void *pvParameters)
daq_data_t inResult;
if(xQueueReceive(sdMsgQueue, (void*)&inResult, 0)==pdTRUE)
const char *p_char;
SDDataSerializer(&inResult, p_char);
SDCard.file.println(p_char); ///write a serialized character stream to SD card