Where can I find the source code for the book "Mastering the FreeRTO Real Time Kernel"?


Where can I find the source code for the book “Mastering the FreeRTO Real Time Kernel”? I downloaded the code from freertos DOT org/Documentation/code/.
But it doesn’t include the sample code from the book. For example, the code from Page 278, “BaseType_t xUART_Send( xUART *pxUARTInstance, …”. I tried to search the whole folder but couldn’t find the definition for “xUART”.

Thanks in advance!

The text in the book labels these code fragments as “pseudo” that “provides the outline of an RTOS aware library.” To me that makes it clear that there is no buildable code base behind that. That makes sense because the book does not deal with a specific hardware you would need to fill the code with life.

I see. That makes sense.
Thanks RAc.