flat213 wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2016:
i’m new to FreeRTOS and just want to set up a test project with Windows Port.
So i’ve started the demo project therefor and it works fine.
For my project i didn’t changed anything in the demo except of starting with the function main_blinky(), i start with the function usrAppInit(), which looks like that:
void usrAppInit(void)
void StartTasks(void)
TaskHandle_t xNvmTaskHandle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t xMainTaskHandle = NULL;
xTaskCreate(NVMTask, "tNVMTask",initNVM_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) 1, initNVM_TASK_PRIORITY, &xNvmTaskHandle );
xTaskCreate(MainTask, "tMainTask", initMAIN_STACK_SIZE, (void *) 1, initMAIN_TASK_PRIORITY, &xMainTaskHandle );
for (;; );
and both Tasks are empty(just a printf):
void MainTask( void * pvParameters )
/* Prevent the compiler warning about the unused parameter. */
( void ) pvParameters;
for ( ;; )
printf("Task Main ist dran\n");
When i debug this, i always get the following:
“ASSERT! Line 422, file c:…\timers.c, GetLastError() 0
Trace output saved to Trace.dump”
I know that the Assertion is caused by vTaskStartScheduling, but why? What can be wrong? I think it’s quite the same as in the demo which is running within the same project.
Thank you for helping!