Trace started. Hit a key to dump trace file to disk

mahendra12345 wrote on Wednesday, July 27, 2016:

Hello freaks,
I’m geek at free RTOS I’ve started learning freertos with Eclipse CDT I’m using Neon (64 bit) with win32-mingw.
I’ve download Freertos V9.0.0 pack and import it’s demo, Now when i hit RUN then code starts run but it shows me following message Trace started. Hit a key to dump trace file to disk (does not work from Eclipse console) . I really don’t know what it mean!, this is the message which is available in main.c file ofr demo
can any one help me here :slight_smile:

rtel wrote on Wednesday, July 27, 2016:

That demo includes FreeRTOS+Trace, and the message is telling you that the trace recorder has been started. See