Reading “MPLAB_C18_Libraries_51297c.pdf” on to figure out what this function does, confuses me. The argument “T1_CCP1_T3_CCP2” is not defined for OpenTimer1, it’s only defined for OpenTimer3. Can someone enlighten me on this?
But it does not define the T1_SOURCE_CCP options for timer 1.
Compare this to timer 3 where the code snippet is almost the same (T1->T3) but just above it there is a section "Use With CCP:" that defines values for T3_SOURCE_CCP.
Looks to me just like an omission from the
This does look odd looking back. I got the constant value from the header file - and presuming that the timer is working correctly and that the header file is not incorrect - it seems ok.
I need to investigate futher and see exactly what the timer function library call does and compare this to the datasheet.
Well, I assume it works. So, your call should be correct. I was just wondering, nothing more. It’s of course ok If you like to investigate this, but my quriosity (?) is already satisfied