it revokes prvAddCurrentTaskToDelayedList( xTicksToWait, pdTRUE ) if timeout is set to port_maxdelay, witch then add the task to suspend list rather than delay list. If we use xTaskAbortDelay to abort the task, it fails. the only way is to add a vtaskresume after calling xTaskAbortDelay.
the other apis such as vtaskdelay, xsemaphoretake, xQueueReceive do not need to resume task after calling xTaskAbortDelay in the same setting.
High prio task running...
High prio task running...
High prio task running...
High prio task running...
High prio task running...
High prio task running...
This means that xTaskAbortDelay works as expected. Or did I miss something?
the issue occured in a repo freertos-sim,(, which uses freertos 10.0.1 version, and disappeared when i updated kernel to lateast version 10.6.2.
thanks a lot! now i close.