taskYIELD from highest priority task.

nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

In my highest priority task I wait for an interrupt to occur in the following way:

static uint8_t volatile timerOVF;

//a lot of other code here

void WaitForSecond()
    //Service the watchdog before and after the loop

   while( timerOVF == 0 )


    //Reset flag
    timerOVF = 0;

__interrupt void Timer0_Overflow( void )
    timerOVF = 1;

As can been seen I use vTaskDelay(1) to force a context switch. For some strange reason calling taskYIELD() does not change the context (actually it does, but the new context is the same as the current context). As a result all other tasks are starved from processing time.
The task calling WaitForSecond() has the highest priority, so I can understand why the yield might pick it as the next task (this might be considered a bug). What I do not understand is why vTaskDelay is able to create an actual context switch.

Can anyone help me out on this one?



nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

This is exactly the expected behavior.  taskYIELD() will cause the scheduler to select the highest priority task that is in the Ready state to run.  Calling taskYIELD() places the calling task in the ready state, if it is the highest priority task in the ready state it will immediately get selected as the task to run again and lower priority tasks will never run.

Calling vTaskDelay(1) places the calling task in the Blocked state for 1 tick.  The scheduler cannot therefore select the calling task again until 1 tick later, allowing lower priority tasks to run.

However this is very inefficient code, and there is probably a much better way of achieving what you want to do.  What exactly does the code do?  It looks like you reset the watchdog simply because a timer overflows, is this all it does?


nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

The task containing this code is my scheduling routine for various computations/outputs. Every second the timer overflows thereby exiting the while loop. I opted for this implementation instead of a binary semaphore because of the memory overhead of the semaphore. The watchdog OVF is set to about 1.9 secs. So I need to service it at least once in this routine.

The behavior of taskYIELD is explainable, but a task telling it wants to yield should be yielded, not reloaded. I think I’ll make an extra yield routine, forcing a context switch to the next TCB.



nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

> The task containing this code is my scheduling routine for various
> computations/outputs. Every second the timer overflows thereby exiting the while
> loop. I opted for this implementation instead of a binary semaphore because
> of the memory overhead of the semaphore. The watchdog OVF is set to about 1.9
> secs. So I need to service it at least once in this routine.

In your implementation every 1 tick the task will be woken then block again, taking up processing time.  I don’t know how fast you tick is running, but the faster the tick the more processor time will be used.

If you are requiring periodic execution, rather than an exact synchronisation with your interrupt, you could use vTaskDelayUntil() instead.  This can be used to place the task into a blocked state until the exact time at which you wish to run again.  The task will stay in the blocked state so not use any processing time.

> The behavior of taskYIELD is explainable, but a task telling it wants to yield
> should be yielded, not reloaded.

On the contrary - the task should be reloaded if it is the highest priority task in the system that is in the Ready state.  If there is more than one task of the same priority in the running state then the yield will cause a different task be selected.  If there is only one task of that priority then the same task will be selected.  This is the wanted behaviour.

>I think I’ll make an extra yield routine, forcing
> a context switch to the next TCB.

So you will select a lower priority task when a higher priority task is able to run?  At what point will you select the higher priority task again?


rtel wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

That last post we me by the way if it was not obvious - seemed to get logged out between posts.


dutchuncle wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

I think you’re missing a definition here.  A task saying it wants to yield is giving way ONLY IF THERE IS ANYONE ELSE TO YIELD TO.  It’s just like coming to a “yield” sign on the road when there’s no traffic - you can come to a dead stop and look really carefully, and then the first car away from the intersection will still be *you*. 

If you expect a different task to run when this task yields, then (without knowing anything about your code) I’d look at the following:

- Check that priority level assignments are right for the situation. I would make the watchdog timer post very low priority, practically an idle task / screen saver, which means that there are enough cycles to do the job and still take a breath now and then.  In that case it doesn’t even have to explicitly yield, because it will be pre-empted.  The loop is:

   pre-loop: save the first time

   Get curent time
   Compare to saved time
   If close enough, watchdog is OK
   move current time to saved time
   lather, rinse, repeat

- Should the “yielding” task actually be waiting for something specific, or sleeping (not just yielding) until woken up by an interrupt?  Well, no, if it’s just doing the watchdog, so next point:

- How long is your watchdog timer supposed to be?  Try making that delay loop half of the watchdog time (since a delay may actually be longer than requested).  As shown you’re virtually in a CPU spin loop polling on that timer, so it’s no wonder your other processes are starving. 
