Task parameters.

orelavi wrote on Wednesday, October 22, 2008:


One of the xTaskCreate(…) function parameters is pvParameters parameter. I saw that this parameter is being pushed into the stack when creating the task.
When and where this value is pop out?
I didn’t find the code that handle it.


edwards3 wrote on Wednesday, October 22, 2008:

Each task has the following prototype

void task_function( void *parameter_here );

The value you pass to xTaskCreate() in pvParameters appears in the parameter_here variable within the task.

See the flash.c demo for a simple example.

orelavi wrote on Wednesday, October 22, 2008:


What i wanted to know is to where the pvParameters parameter is being restored?
I wrote a porting to this RTOS. I saw that in the port.c file this value is being pushed into the stack.
When i return to this task (after a context switch) i restore this value. To where this value is being restored?
Please write the file name and the location in this file.
