Task context at static location

artlip wrote on Wednesday, September 12, 2007:


The main idea is to allocate space for task context in the TCB e.g.

typedef struct tskTaskControlBlock
#if ( configUSE_STATIC_CONTEXT_FRAME == 1 )
    portSTACK_TYPE           pxCpuContextFrame[ portCPU_CONTEXT_SIZE ];
    volatile portSTACK_TYPE  *pxTopOfStack;

Basing on my previous experience with another RTOS and ARM platform I found that such solution has real advantages. It simplify and speeds up context save and restore (at least for the ARM7 platform).

The end results seems quite nice. For my benchmarks I got speedup up to 5% (five tasks with the same priority doing only taskYIELD).
I’ve also observed speedup of interrupt processing. The time between interrupt generation to the first line of C code in the ISR is shorter over 8% (even 9.5% with compiler optimized code) and time from last line of C code in the ISR to the first instrucion in task is shorter nearly 4%.
Tests was performed on LPC2114 using FreeRTOS 4.4 and GCC 4.2 compiler.

Example code for context save for ARM7:

    /* push R0 as we are going to use the register */
    STMDB   SP!, {R0}
    LDR     R0, =pxCurrentTCB
    LDR     R0, [R0]
    /* seek to R1 location */
    ADD     R0, R0, #16
    STMIA   R0, {R1-R14}^
    LDR     R1, =ulCriticalNesting
    LDR     R1, [R1]
    MRS     R2, SPSR
    MOV     R3, LR
    /* pop R0 */
    LDMIA   SP!, {R4}
    /* seek to SPSR location (begin of the context frame) */
    SUB     R0, R0, #16
    /* R1 = ulCriticalNesting, R2 = SPSR, R3 = LR, R4 = R0 */
    STMIA   R0, {R1-R4}

Example code for context restore for ARM7:
    LDR     R0, =pxCurrentTCB
    LDR     R0, [R0]
    /* R1 = ulCriticalNesting, R2 = SPSR */
    LDMIA   R0!, {R1-R2, LR}
    LDR     R3, =ulCriticalNesting
    STR     R1, [R3]
    MSR     SPSR_fsxc, R2
    LDMIA   R0, {R0-R14}^
    SUBS    PC, LR, #4

I welcome any questions and critique.

BTW> Full patchset is available at request.


Artur Lipowski

sashiono wrote on Wednesday, September 12, 2007:

do you have an example, or patchset that could be downloaded somewhere. I’d like to give it a try.  What negative effects does/could this patch introduce?

sotd wrote on Wednesday, September 12, 2007:

Why is it faster to store the context in an array rather than on the stack?

Is this change portable?

artlip wrote on Thursday, September 13, 2007:

> do you have an example, or patchset that could be
> downloaded somewhere. I’d like to give it a try.

I will send you a code by e-mail.

> What negative effects does/could this patch introduce?
Well, till now I did not observe any bad things.
It is one of reasons why I wrote on this forum - maybe other people will able to spot weak sides of this idea (especially on other architectures).


Artur Lipowski

artlip wrote on Thursday, September 13, 2007:

> Why is it faster to store the context in an array rather
> than on the stack?

Existing code for context switch on ARM requires retrieving of the SP from different processor mode which complicates things (a little bit). Another (small) speed up comes from the fact that we do not have to store SP twice in (TCB and on the stack).
In fact some speedup is also possible with using existing solution (SP as a part of TCB) and to treat stack as an array.

> Is this change portable?

For current implementation the change is optional and it is just a matter of defining configUSE_STATIC_CONTEXT_FRAME in FreeRTOSConfig.h
Obviously changes for all ARM architectures (including AVR32 :wink: ) are very easy to port for other compilers.
I will look at AVR if it can benefit from this idea.

For other architectures I can only to hope for some feedback from this forum.


Artur Lipowski