Suggestion Request - Queue Names

Hello, I apologize if there’s a better spot to ask for this suggestion.

I would to see an optional(?) name that can be given to each queue. In the trace functions, it’d be really nice if we could print what the queue name is, instead of an address or something along those lines. Just like how tasks have names and you can print them, same for queue, mutex, semaphores, etc., they all use the same mechanism.

Being able to do this is what I’m suggesting.

#define traceQUEUE_CREATE(pxNewQueue) vLoggingPrintf("traceQUEUE_CREATE: created queue \"%s\" (%lu)\r\n", pxNewQueue->pcQueueName, pxNewQueue->uxLength)

#define traceQUEUE_CREATE_FAILED(ucQueueType) vLoggingPrintf("traceQUEUE_CREATE_FAILED: failed to create queue\r\n")

#define traceQUEUE_SEND(pxQueue) vLoggingPrintf("traceQUEUE_SEND: sent message to queue \"%s\" (%lu/%lu)\r\n", pxQueue->pcQueueName, pxQueue->uxMessagesWaiting, pxQueue->uxLength)

Hi Maty, Thanks for the suggestion. We will pass this to the team for further consideration.

There is the vQueueAddToRegistry framework that provides that functionality,

It builds an array of handles/names for trace code to use.