Successful mqtt subscribe followed by rev failure

I am using the demo example to create a mqtt connection with aws. (

I can successfully connect and publish when subscribing I get the following output. This happens in the MQTT_ProcessLoop which returns a receive failure ?

2010 131813 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |4| 0x2000d2e8: dumping ‘input payload after decrypt’ (5 bytes)

2011 131814 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |4| 0x2000d2e8: 0000: 90 03 00 01 01 …

2012 131815 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: <= read record

2013 131816 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: <= read

2014 131817 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: => read

2015 131818 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: <= read

2016 131819 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: => read

2017 131820 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: <= read

2018 131822 [Cellular] [INFO] Subscribed to the topic demo-access-control-board/example/topic with maximum QoS 1.

2019 131823 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: => read

2020 131824 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: => read record

2021 131825 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: => fetch input

2022 131826 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

2023 131828 [Cellular] [DEBUG] >>>>>Start sending [AT+USORD=0,5]<<<<<

2024 131840 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] AT Read 24 bytes, data[0x2000dd26]

2025 131841 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Allocate at response 0x20011830

2026 131842 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] AT solicited Resp[+USORD: 0,0,]

2027 131844 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Save [+USORD: 0,0,] 12 AT data to pResp

2028 131845 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] _saveData : Save data 0x2000dd28 with length 13

2029 131846 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] AT solicited Resp["]

2030 131847 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Save ["] 1 AT data to pResp

2031 131848 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] _saveData : Save data 0x2000dd35 with length 2

2032 131849 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] AT solicited Resp[OK]

2033 131851 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Final AT response is SUCCESS [OK]

2034 131852 [Cellular_Thread] [ERROR] Receive Data: paramerter error, data pointer 0x2000dd35, data to copy 0

2035 131853 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Garbage collection

2036 131860 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] AT Read 17 bytes, data[0x2000dd26]

2037 131861 [Cellular_Thread] [DEBUG] Next URC token to parse [+UUSORD: 0,31]

Free Heap Size 11536
2038 132830 [Cellular] [WARN] Modem returns error in sending AT command AT+USORD=0,5, pktStatus 6.

2039 132831 [Cellular] [DEBUG] <<<<<Exit sending [AT+USORD=0,5] status[6]<<<<<

2040 132832 [Cellular] [ERROR] Cellular_SocketRecv: Data Receive fail, pktStatus: 6

2041 132833 [Cellular] [ERROR] _Cellular_TranslatePktStatus: Status 6

2042 132834 [Cellular] [ERROR] prvNetworkRecv failed 10

2043 132835 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

2044 132836 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |2| 0x2000d2e8: ssl->f_recv(_timeout)() returned -27648 (-0x6c00)

2045 132839 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |1| 0x2000d2e8: mbedtls_ssl_fetch_input() returned -27648 (-0x6c00)

2046 132840 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |1| 0x2000d2e8: ssl_get_next_record() returned -27648 (-0x6c00)

2047 132841 [Cellular] mbedTLS: |1| 0x2000d2e8: mbedtls_ssl_read_record() returned -27648 (-0x6c00)

2048 132842 [Cellular] [ERROR] Failed to read data: mbedTLSError= SSL - Internal error (eg, unexpected failure in lower-level module) : .

Hi Adam,

Thank you for your interesting in cellular library.
It looks like you are using Lab-Project-FreeRTOS-Cellular-Demo repository to run SARA-R4 demo application.

The SARA-R4 demo is moved to FreeRTOS repository. It is suggested to use this SARA-R4 mqtt demo in FreeRTOS repository.

If you are not using windows simulator, please provide your platform information then we can better understand your problem.

I am using building the project on a stm32

I have tried just having MQTT_ProcessLoop(&xMQTTContext, mqttexamplePROCESS_LOOP_TIMEOUT_MS); without a subscribe (ie just ping the server) and i have the same issue

Hi Adam,

From your log, the following response looks different from the AT command document.


+USORD: 0,0,""

From the AT command document, if there is no data to receive it will return the following.

In case there are no bytes returned or available, the parameter is omitted in the information
text response to the set command.
Example: information text response does not have any length information.
+USORD: 0,“”

Can you help to try the following patch? If this is the problem, we can create PR to the repository.

diff --git a/modules/sara_r4/cellular_r4_api.c b/modules/sara_r4/cellular_r4_api.c
index c0b5949..e348de4 100644
--- a/modules/sara_r4/cellular_r4_api.c
+++ b/modules/sara_r4/cellular_r4_api.c
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static CellularPktStatus_t _Cellular_RecvFuncData( CellularContext_t * pContext,

                 /* Process the data buffer. */
-                if( atCoreStatus == CELLULAR_AT_SUCCESS )
+                if( ( atCoreStatus == CELLULAR_AT_SUCCESS ) && ( *pDataRecv->pDataLen > 0U ) )
                     atCoreStatus = getDataFromResp( pAtResp, pDataRecv, *pDataRecv->pDataLen );
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Thank You, that solved the issue ! could you notify me when the pull request has been approved so I can include it in my code ?

No problem. Once it is merged, I will update in this thread.
Thank you for your feedback.

Hi Adam,

This patch is merged in this commit.
Thank you for your feedback.

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