STR9 using External SRAM

yuhleon wrote on Tuesday, October 02, 2007:

I am using STR912 and I have a external SRAM with 512KBytes.
Now I can read/write the external SRAM , but I cannot run my FreeRTOS kernel using external SRAM.

I modified the lnkarm_flash.xcl , but it cannot work :

// Data memory


// Data segments.


I’m using IAR to develop my project , and using EMI bank 1 for SRAM.
Are there any other file need to modify ?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, October 02, 2007:

Sorry I have never tried using external RAM on the STR9.  I would have thought that setting up the memory controller interface and adjusting the linker script would be all that was required.  Are you still putting the stacks in the internal RAM?


yuhleon wrote on Tuesday, October 02, 2007:

Yes, I still put stacks in internal RAM .

I only add EMI initial code in 91x_init.s  ( before jump to main ) ,
and modify the linker script file .