STM32L496: Cant access sleepmode in tickless idle mode

So, in my previous post, I mentioned that I was trying to go into sleep mode without tickless idle mode and was not successfull, but after testing I found the issue, it was one of the interrupts was waking up the cpu, after disabling it, I was able to access sleepmode.

Now I am trying to access sleepmode in tickless idle mode, but same problem persist here. The system immediatly comes out of the sleepmode even after making sure interrupts are disabled.

So I tried example project from st for freertos lowpower mode and it also does not stays inside sleepmode. Then I created a barebone project with nothing just freertos enabled with tickless idle and I was not able to access the sleepmode.

this st example I used

no success.

That is great!

It seems like this example keeps periodically sending data to a queue - STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L496ZG/Applications/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS_LowPower/Src/main.c at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL4 · GitHub. Can you try commenting out the task creations here just for testing - STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L496ZG/Applications/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS_LowPower/Src/main.c at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL4 · GitHub?