I have been porting an application on STM32H723 with FreeRTOS. I am using STMCube IDE 1.10.0 for the configuration, along with LWIP and MBEDTLS
Based on samples on GITHUB (stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples - I cannot post any link but you’ll find) I was able to make a good start, however, as soon as I add MbedTLS I get issues in Tx of ETH buffers.
After long debugging, I figured out that the DMA failed when the buffer is outside the memory region “RAM_D2” (0x3000_0000 + 32K) (no Ack of emission and we’re stuck waiting for the semaphore)
Currently I patched my application to manually copy the UDP (Multicast) buffer into a reserved region in RAM_D2 and it works fine, but I do not understand where this issue comes from. (And I want to remove this ugly patch)
Just to make it clear, here is the “ugly” patch that works:
static uint8_t* DTCMR_Buffer = (void*) 0x30007000; // DTCM + 28K (=32 - 4 K)
SOPC_ASSERT(buffer->length < 4 * 1024);
static SOPC_Mutex* mutex = NULL;
if (NULL == mutex)
memcpy(DTCMR_Buffer, buffer->data, buffer->length);
ssize_t res = sendto(sock, DTCMR_Buffer, buffer->length, 0, destAddr->ai_addr, destAddr->ai_addrlen);
#warning \
"SOPC_FREERTOS_UDP_RAM_BASE is not defined and UDP sending may probably fail if RAM section is not properly set with DMA!"
ssize_t res = sendto(sock, buffer->data, buffer->length, 0, destAddr->ai_addr, destAddr->ai_addrlen);
I can confirm that
- the Tx descriptor are correctly located in RAM_D2 (cache disabled).
- the MPU is configured as (from example on github):
- region 0 : disable 4GB
- region 1 : RAM_D2 disable cache/share/buffer for 32K (full size)
- region 2 : RAM_D2 disable cache, enable share/buffer for 512b (where the TRx & Rx descr. are located)
- I added regions 3…6 that were initially not in the demo:
- region 3 & 4 : enable all on RAMD1 : 265 + 64K (hum I do not understand how all this was OK previoulsy without this…)
- region 5 :enable all on DTCM (I need more HEAP for MbedTLS, using HEAP5 to extend heap)
Can anyone tell me :
- Shall I enforce actual data to be on a non-cacheable section (As far as I understood, only the descriptor need that, but that may be where I am wrong) ?
- Is there any option to do this automatically (something like
which seems to have a close enough behavior) ? - Why does this only happen when adding MBEDTLS module?
- Why only section on RAM_D2 are enabled on MPU ? Is my MPU configuration OK ? (I can provide precise configuration if required)
- Is it a mistake to use DTCM for additional HEAP? (section not cacheable?)
I’ll be grateful for anny answers