stm32F107 Rowley -target is '103

finnkb wrote on Sunday, February 21, 2010:

Hi folks

The target CPU in the \FreeRTOS\Demo\CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley is set to stm32F103 ……
I am not able to change the taget CPU, …… anybody know what to do ???

best reg .

davedoors wrote on Sunday, February 21, 2010:

How do you mean you can’t change it. There are no other options? You change it and it changes back again? What?

finnkb wrote on Sunday, February 21, 2010:


No, when i try to set the target cpu to '107, the option is not there…. only 101,  and 103 tagets are there….
I can however make a new project, and get the '105, and '107 targets.

i did try to look into the RTOSdemo.hzp file, and there i find

<configuration Name=“Common” Target=“STM32F103ZE”


davedoors wrote on Sunday, February 21, 2010:

I can however make a new project, and get the '105, and '107 targets.

In which case I would assume you have the correct CrossWorks packages installed. I can only suggest posting a question to Rowley directly.