Hey guys!
I’m trying to get an ADC reeading of 3 channels to work, i think i set up everything correctly but when i read my buffer, the data does not seem correct, not it works according to the Timer 2 timing of 1 second.
ADC config:
12 bits
Scan conversion enabled
Continuous conversion enabled
DMA Continuous requests enabled
Number of conversions = 3
The ranks are correct with cycles of 15
External trigger conversion source is set to Timer 2 Trigger Out Event
DMA2 Stream0
Peripheral to Memory
Half Word
DMA2 stream0 global interrupt enabled by default
64MHz cpu clock
PSC = 64k → 1kHz
ARR = 1k → 1s count
This is my Task 1:
void StartTask1(void const * argument)
/* USER CODE BEGIN StartTask1 */
HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*) adcBuffer, ADC_CHANNEL_LENGTH);
//HAL_TIM_Base_Start_DMA(&htim8, (uint32_t*) adcBuffer, ADC_CHANNEL_LENGTH);
/* Infinite loop */
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(green_led_GPIO_Port, green_led_Pin);
// Check if DMA buffer is ready for processing
/* USER CODE END StartTask1 */
The LED is just to test if the freeRTOS is working with the DMA (it may stop scheduling).
This is my buffer with a lenght of 100:
volatile uint16_t adcBuffer[ADC_CHANNEL_LENGTH];
And this is my CpltCallback:
void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
// Custom logic for ADC1 conversion completion
adcThermistorValue = adcBuffer[0];
adcAccelXValue = adcBuffer[1];
adcAccelYValue = adcBuffer[2];
dmaDataReadyFlag = 1; // Set a flag to indicate that data is ready
Any ideas why this is not reading correctly, nor counting time correctly and reading with 1s intervals.