Startup failure as timers are enabled (MPU)

tamirmichael wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:


I have the MPU enabled (LPC1788), and just added timer.c and followed the instructions as to how to enable timers.
Unfortunately, as the scheduler tries to start the first stack, I get an immediate “unstacking error” from the MPU.
Any thoughts…?

Thanks in advance

tamirmichael wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

Can it be related to the kernel using CreateTask rather than CreateTaskRestricted…?

rtel wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

I have to admit having not tried it, but I have had a quick look now.

Could you try changing the line in prvSampleTimeNow() from

static portTickType xLastTime = ( portTickType ) 0U;


PRIVILEGED_DATA static portTickType xLastTime = ( portTickType ) 0U;

and report back.  Thanks.


tamirmichael wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

I added “|portPRIVILEGE_BIT” at the creation of the timers task and that seems to help!

rtel wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

You beet me to it!  I was just about to say when I read your post (that crossed with mine) that you need to set that in your definition of configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY.  The suggested change made in my previous post should be made too.

I think I will change the core code so the ORing with portPRIVILEGE_BIT is done by the kernel too - just like it is for the idle task.


tamirmichael wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:
