starting freeRTOS on LPC1769

alpha86 wrote on Thursday, May 31, 2012:

I am trying to start off from an updated freeRTOS implementation for my RDB1768v2 board. I found integration between the freeRTOS and the nxp libraries and cmsis a confusion with the official example :

then I found the contributed source from Richard . It seems to be the best place to start ( this port uses the CMSIS 2.0 and the peripheral library of nxp).

However I wanted to start from scratch and not with full load of extra files, and I’m not sure if the project is suitable for my board, so I decided to delete off the FreeRTOS IO files, and face some mem files error (apparently it uses the heap2 configuration, I’m not familiar with this, so I copy the heap3 file from the official port). I can compile and run for now, but I really cant be sure if this is a good configuration. I will like to know:

1) Is there any particular configuration/files I should take note of? The code seems to be written for the  LPCXpresso Base Board BSP, and I am using the RDB1768v2 (same LPC1769 chip though). Also, can I actually just delete those files from the project? The files I have deleted are:
FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI folder
FreeRTOS-Plus-IO folder
Examples,FatFS,IwIP folder, change heap_2.c to heap_3.c

2) I hope it’s not too demanding, I will really appreciate if there’s a strip down version of that project. (i.e. with the freeRTOS i/o and cli removed).

Any input will be much appreciated :slight_smile:

alpha86 wrote on Thursday, May 31, 2012:

The correct url for richard’s contributed source is

rtel wrote on Thursday, May 31, 2012:

I am guessing that you are using Code Red tools, so either LPCXpresso IDE or Red Suite.  In either case, there is a wizard in the IDE that will create a simple FreeRTOS hello world project for you.  There is also a project for the RDB1768 V1 board in the main FreeRTOS zip file download.


kamleshpatel wrote on Tuesday, April 16, 2019:

Dear Sir
i am new with FreeRTOS and iam work on LPC1769 mbed board.
i am write driver for is work normally but if i use semaphore or mutex for interrupt handling then it stuck on UART3_IRQHandler function.i have attached my code with it please find it.
when i run this code it stuck on UART3_IRQHandler function and not running any thread.
please guide to resolve it.
remarks:- without semaphore or mutex it receive and send data on UART is ok.but in fast data on UART it is miss data so i think to used semaphore and mutex.

please guide me to resolve this problem.
thanks in advance.

rtel wrote on Tuesday, April 16, 2019:

It looks like you have replied to a very old thread and not attached
your source code as you say - suggest creating a new thread.