Stack measurement is not correct on MC912XE controller.

jaswanthkamadan wrote on Tuesday, May 30, 2017:

Hi All,

I am using the MC9S12XE controller with Free RTOS version of 8.0.1. with Code warrior version 5.1, i created a dummy task with initialization of some local variable of integer size, but stack measurement function “uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark” giving the value as 190. If i run Application specific tasks, for every task it is showing as 190; Is there any way to calculate the stack size?. what is the reason of showing the value for every task?


rtel wrote on Tuesday, May 30, 2017:

Does the MC9S12XEW use segmented memory? If so, that may be the reason
it is not working as expected. I can’t recall the reason for that
exactly, but know that was an issue on other segmented memory architectures.

You can of course step through the execution of the code in your
debugger to see why it is coming up with the number it is.

jaswanthkamadan wrote on Wednesday, May 31, 2017:

What do you meant by segmented memeory? I am using Baked Memory Model with Paged and Non Paged segmentation. Do you meant this segmentation only?

I debugged with debugger, Handle Pointer value is not correct. It is taking Junk value(Garbbage Address). It is checking from there whether 0xA5 Available in that perticular Address.

Can you Please tell me the solution for this.

Thanks In Advance

jaswanthkamadan wrote on Wednesday, May 31, 2017:

What do you meant by segmented memeory? I am using Baked Memory Model with Paged and Non Paged segmentation. Do you meant this segmentation only?

I debugged with debugger, Handle Pointer value is not correct. It is taking Junk value(Garbbage Address). It is checking from there whether 0xA5 Available in that perticular Address.

Can you Please tell me the solution for this.

Thanks In Advance

jaswanthkamadan wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2017:

Hello All,

I tried with heap_1.c file, The stack measurement fuction “uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark” is giving correct value no of 0xA5 present in the perticular memory location. is it the correct behaviour?

we are thinking it will give the value after running of the task.

Can you please give me the correct idea which one is correct?

Thanks & Regards

rtel wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2017:

I’m afraid I don’t understand your question. The correct behaviour is
as described here: