Sneaky ARM/Thumb Inline Assembly

spacewrench wrote on Monday, February 18, 2008:

I figured out how to implement the interrupt disable/enable, save/restore context, and yield routines in inline assembly for both ARM and Thumb.  It was an interesting exercise, but now that I think about it, the Thumb version is probably no faster than an ordinary function call, since the inline code has to branch at least twice (once to enter ARM mode and once to return to Thumb).

Code follows:

* portmacro.h for Game Boy Advance
#define PORTMACRO_H 1

* Port specific definitions. 
* The settings in this file configure FreeRTOS correctly for the
* given hardware and compiler.
* These settings should not need to be altered.

/* Type definitions. */
#define portCHAR        char
#define portFLOAT        float
#define portDOUBLE        double
#define portLONG        long
#define portSHORT        short
#define portSTACK_TYPE    unsigned portLONG
#define portBASE_TYPE    portLONG

#if (configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS == 1)
    typedef unsigned portSHORT portTickType;
    typedef unsigned portLONG portTickType;
#define portMAX_DELAY ((portTickType)~0)

#define portSTACK_GROWTH            ( -1 )
#define portTICK_RATE_MS            ((portTickType)(1000/configTICK_RATE_HZ))
#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT            4
#define portNOP()                    asm volatile ("nop")

* These defines permit non-standard task signatures (not necessary for GBA)
#define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) 
    void vFunction( void *pvParameters )
#define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters )   
    void vFunction( void *pvParameters )

extern volatile unsigned portLONG   ulCriticalNesting;
#define portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING     ((unsigned portLONG)0)

extern void      vPortStartFirstTask( void );
inline void      vTaskSwitchContext( void );
extern void      vPortTick( void );

* FreeRTOS requires a few port-specific services.  These are declared
* or defined below.  Since the GBA is an ARM-T device, we provide two
* versions: one for ARM mode code and one for Thumb code.  The Thumb
* versions switch to ARM mode briefly to execute the necessary system
* instructions.
#ifndef THUMB

    static inline int portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS( void ) {
        int retval;
        asm volatile ( "mrs %0, CPSR\n"
                       "orr r1, %0, #0xc0\n"
                       "msr CPSR_c, r1"
                       : "=r" (retval) : : "r1" );
        return retval;
    static inline int portENABLE_INTERRUPTS( void ) {
        int retval;
        asm volatile ( "mrs %0, CPSR\n"
                       "bic r1, %0, #0xc0\n"
                       "msr CPSR_c, r1"
                       : "=r" (retval) : : "r1" );
        return retval;

     * This will only work in a non-USR/SYS mode!
    static inline void portSAVE_CONTEXT( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            “stmdb  sp!, {r0}\n”            // Save R0 on this mode’s stack
            “mov    r0 , sp\n”              // Use R0 to point current stack
            “sub    sp , sp, #4\n”          // Open space on current stack
            “stmdb  r0 , {sp}^\n”           // Store usr SP on current stack
            “ldmia  sp!, {r0}\n”            // R0 points to USR stack
            “stmdb  r0!, {lr}\n”            // Put return address in place
            “stmdb  r0 , {r1-r14}^\n”       // USR regs onto USR stack
            “sub    r0 , r0, #(14 * 4)\n”   // Writeback is unpredictable
            “ldmia  sp!, {r3}\n”            // Get usr R0
            “mrs    r2 , spsr\n”            // Put final few things in context
            “ldr    r1 , 1f\n”              // get ulCriticalNesting
            “ldr    r1 , [r1]\n”
            “stmdb  r0!, {r1-r3}\n”         // Complete context saved

            "ldr    r1 , 2f\n"              // Save usrSP in pxCurrentTCB
            "ldr    r1 , [r1]\n"
            "str    r0 , [r1]\n"

            "b      3f\n"

            "1:.word    ulCriticalNesting\n"
            "2:.word    pxCurrentTCB\n"

     * This will only work in a non-USR/SYS mode!
    static inline void portRESTORE_CONTEXT( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            "ldr    lr , 1f\n"          // LR points to saved context
            "ldr    lr , [lr]\n"
            "ldr    lr , [lr]\n"

            "ldmia  lr!, {r0, r1}\n"    // Recover ulCriticalNesting & SPSR
            "ldr    r2 , 2f\n"
            "str    r0 , [r2]\n"
            "msr    spsr, r1\n"

            "ldmia  lr , {r0-r14}^\n"   // Restore user regs

            "ldr    lr , [lr, #60]\n"

            "movs   pc , lr\n"          // "return" to new context

            "1: .word pxCurrentTCB\n"
            "2: .word ulCriticalNesting\n"

    static inline void portYIELD( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            "mrs    r0, CPSR\n"
            "msr    CPSR_c, #0x13 | 0x80 | 0x40\n"  // SVC mode, no interrupts
            "msr    SPSR, r0\n"
            "bl     1f\n"
            "movs   pc, lr\n"   // <-- RESTORE_CONTEXT "returns" to here
            :::"r0") ;
        portSAVE_CONTEXT( );
        vTaskSwitchContext( );
        portRESTORE_CONTEXT( );   
#else   /* defined(THUMB) */

     * These are Thumb versions of the above functions.  They just
     * switch to ARM mode briefly when necessary, then back to Thumb.
    static inline int portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS( void ) {
        int retval;
        asm volatile ( "ldr %0, =1f\n"
                       "bx %0\n"
                       "1:mrs %0, CPSR\n"
                       "orr r1, %0, #0xc0\n"
                       "msr CPSR_c, r1\n"
                       "ldr r1, =2f + 1\n"
                       "bx r1\n"
                       : "=r" (retval) : : "r1" );
        return retval;
    static inline int portENABLE_INTERRUPTS( void ) {
        int retval;
        asm volatile ( "ldr %0, =1f\n"
                       "bx %0\n"
                       "1:mrs %0, CPSR\n"
                       "bic r1, %0, #0xc0\n"
                       "msr CPSR_c, r1\n"
                       "ldr r1, =2f + 1\n"
                       "bx r1\n"
                       : "=r" (retval) : : "r1" );
        return retval;

     * This will only work in a non-USR/SYS mode!
    static inline void portSAVE_CONTEXT( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            “push   {r0}\n”                 // Save R0 on this mode’s stack

            “ldr    r0, =1f\n”              // Switch to ARM mode
            “bx     r0\n”
            “1:\n”  // We’re in ARM mode and R0 is stacked…get on with it

            "mov    r0 , sp\n"              // Use R0 to point current stack
            "sub    sp , sp, #4\n"          // Open space on current stack
            "stmdb  r0 , {sp}^\n"           // Store usr SP on current stack
            "ldmia  sp!, {r0}\n"            // R0 points to USR stack
            "stmdb  r0!, {lr}\n"            // Put return address in place
            "stmdb  r0 , {r1-r14}^\n"       // USR regs onto USR stack
            "sub    r0 , r0, #(14 * 4)\n"   // Writeback is unpredictable
            "ldmia  sp!, {r3}\n"            // Get usr R0
            "mrs    r2 , spsr\n"            // Put final few things in context
            "ldr    r1 , 1f\n"              // get ulCriticalNesting
            "ldr    r1 , [r1]\n"
            "stmdb  r0!, {r1-r3}\n"         // Complete context saved

            "ldr    r1 , 2f\n"              // Save usrSP in pxCurrentTCB
            "ldr    r1 , [r1]\n"
            "str    r0 , [r1]\n"

            "ldr    r0, =3f + 1\n"
            "bx     r0\n"

            "1:.word    ulCriticalNesting\n"
            "2:.word    pxCurrentTCB\n"


     * This will only work in a non-USR/SYS mode!  We’re in Thumb mode
     * on entry and change to ARM mode to do our business, but we
     * NEVER CHANGE BACK!  Instead, we return to the context we’re
     * restoring, which may or may not be Thumb.
    static inline void portRESTORE_CONTEXT( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            “ldr    r0 , =0f\n”
            “bx     r0\n”
            “0:ldr  lr , 1f\n”          // LR points to saved context
            “ldr    lr , [lr]\n”
            “ldr    lr , [lr]\n”

            "ldmia  lr!, {r0, r1}\n"    // Recover ulCriticalNesting & SPSR
            "ldr    r2 , 2f\n"
            "str    r0 , [r2]\n"
            "msr    spsr, r1\n"

            "ldmia  lr , {r0-r14}^\n"   // Restore user regs

            "ldr    lr , [lr, #60]\n"

            "movs   pc , lr\n"          // "return" to new context

            "1: .word pxCurrentTCB\n"
            "2: .word ulCriticalNesting\n"

     * Yield is a little tricky – we want to return in Thumb mode,
     * but must switch to ARM mode to change CPSR.  However, GCC
     * thinks we’re in Thumb mode always, so must change back to Thumb
     * before calling SAVE_CONTEXT & friends.
    static inline void portYIELD( void ) {
        asm volatile (
            “ldr    r0 , =1f\n”
            “bx     r0\n”
            “1:mrs  r0, CPSR\n”
            “msr    CPSR_c, #0x13 | 0x80 | 0x40\n”  // SVC mode, no interrupts
            “orr    r0, r0, #0x20\n”    // Set T bit in faked SPSR
            “msr    SPSR, r0\n”
            “bl     2f\n”               // Put addr of next instr in LR
            “movs   pc, lr\n”           // <-- RESTORE_CONTEXT will
                                        // “return” here in Thumb mode
            “2:ldr  r0, =3f + 1\n”      // Switch back to Thumb
            “bx     r0\n”
            :::“r0”) ;
        portSAVE_CONTEXT( );
        vTaskSwitchContext( );
        portRESTORE_CONTEXT( );   
#endif  /* !defined(THUMB) */

    static inline void  portENTER_CRITICAL( void ) {
        portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS( );

    static inline void  portEXIT_CRITICAL( void ) {
        if (ulCriticalNesting > portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING) {
            if (ulCriticalNesting == portNO_CRITICAL_NESTING)
                portENABLE_INTERRUPTS( );

#endif /* PORTMACRO_H */