SDCard Driver with support FAT32+FTP Protocol

gupta123 wrote on Wednesday, April 25, 2012:

HI I am looking some where SDCard Driver that support FAT32 File system and can be ported as task in FreeRTOS and similary my requriments used FTP Server+With SDcard+FAT32+SPI Driver  implemented as FreeRTOS Task on Virtex-6 Board and need to achive timing 1 msec…from where i can get source code &download from which link

rtel wrote on Wednesday, April 25, 2012:

If you are looking for an open source solution then Xilinx have lwIP and file systems accessible through their MLD interface.  You could also try adapting something yourself from a base such as this (non Xilinx example):

If you are looking for a commercial solution then you could try
