Sam7 IAR Blocking VTaskDelay()

nobody wrote on Monday, November 21, 2005:


i’am programing  an application with Arm Sam7 and Wiznet W3100A (IAR 4.30A). The main function creates one task with priority = 1. This task does some tests and creates 2 further tasks after the tests.
During the checks the software stopps sometimes.
The reason is one vTaskDelay() call which don’t finished. This happens with argument 1 or 2. Other values will be tested tomorrow.
Does anybody has an idea ? FreeRtos 3.2.2.

Thanks and Regards

Rainer Berns

nobody wrote on Monday, November 21, 2005:

>The reason is one vTaskDelay() call which don’t finished.

Do you mean something happens during the function call - or that the task remains delayed even after the timout has expired?

Try increasing the stack sizes of the effected tasks as a first effort.

nobody wrote on Tuesday, November 22, 2005:

The task remains delayed.
I have increased the stack sizes and the problem seems to be fixed. Thanks for the hint.

krutia1 wrote on Wednesday, May 06, 2009:


I’ve got almost the same problem. When I call vTaskDelay() function it causes reset of the system but the size of the stacks doesn’t have any influence on this. Does anyone have any clue about this issue?

Thanks Alex.