Sam3x new SD driver

anonymous wrote on Monday, November 26, 2012:

I have been working with a SAM3X-ek and the new SD card driver that was just released in asf 3.5.  The included demo works fine but I am receiving “CMD55 Fail” errors when I try to use the sd card in Free RTOS.(timing error, my thought)  None of the Atmel guys have done any testing with FreeRTOS and the sd card driver so I was just wondering if anyone in the FreeRTOS community had tried this?


rtel wrote on Monday, November 26, 2012:

Not yet, but it is currently second on the list to do so.


anonymous wrote on Wednesday, December 05, 2012:

I am new to FreeRTOS but is there anyway I can help?

anonymous wrote on Friday, December 07, 2012:

I have done some testing with getting creating a sd card program from scratch similar to the demo.  I figured out all of the various sd/fatfs compiler flags then I moved on to importing FreeRTOS.  Once the FreeRTOS_used flag is enabled,  f_open fails and throws a 3(FR_NOT_READY) error.  If the SD card debug flag is turned on then you can see that CMD 55 is failing.  I think this has to do with the Freertos timers that get enabled in the sd card driver once the flag is used but that is the extent of my knowledge/troubleshooting.

Hope that helps.

rtel wrote on Saturday, December 08, 2012:

On the SAM4X-EK I have been able to use the ASF wizard inside Atmel Studio 6 to create the FreeRTOS peripheral control demo, then use the ASF Wizard to bring in the MMC driver and file system server.  I had to uncomment a couple of items in the generated conf_example.h header file (generated by the ASF wizard) to enable the MMC if I recall correctly.  After that I was able to successfully read and write to an SD card from a task.

The project will get released eventually, but I am adding a few other things to it first.  I think all you need is in the ASF already though.  If you are using Atmel Studio 6 then you can use the wizards in the IDE if you have the latest ASF version (the latest version can be downloaded from


anonymous wrote on Saturday, December 08, 2012:

I think I figured out the issue at least academically.  I haven’t verified it yet.  In the FreeRTOS PC demo, the FREERTOS_USED flag is not defined.  So my guess is that is why it works.  I am trying to integrate the sd card functionality into the lwip demo and it does have the flag defined.  I am going to try to create a demo and modifiy the flag in the sdcard files and see if it works.  That might be a temporary solution but at least it will allow me to move on to the next step.

Thanks for the help.

anonymous wrote on Tuesday, December 11, 2012:

So I have made positive progress over the weekend.  I was able to create a project from scratch with the asf wizard.  I added FreeRTOS 7.3 and ported a simplified version of the basic example.  I added the sd card/fatfs drivers with the wizard and set the correct flags in the configuration files.

I created a task that detects the sd card, writes a string to the card then reads it back out.  I think this is solid progress   The next big task I think will be adding ethernet functionality.  Is there a plan to add this to the asf wizard in the future?
