RX62N Free rtos with cubesuite

sara-jg wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

Dear all,

      i want to use free RTOS for RX62N in cubesuite+.is the free rtos available with cube suite+ for rx62N.

Please help.

Thank you

rtel wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

We don’t provide CubeSuite+ projects ourselves, although I’m sure other people will be using it.

RX62N ports are available for GCC, IAR and Renesas’s own compiler. If CubeSuite+ is using one of those compilers then you will be able to use FreeRTOS with little effort - although you will have to create your own CubeSuite project. On the other hand pre-configured projects are available for various other IDEs.

Here are some links to help:

