RTOSDemo.elf throws "undefined ref to 'vApplicationDaemonTaskStarupHook'" when compiling for cycloneV.

wwdjax wrote on Thursday, June 06, 2019:

I am attempting to build the cycloneV demo for freeRTOS v10.2.1 in DS-5 v5.29.1 and get an error when building the target RTOSDemo.elf. The error is in timers.c, a file which as already compiled without errors earlier in the build, “undefined ref to ‘vApplicationDaemonTaskStarupHook’”. Not sure why this is not building, any help is appreciated.

rtel wrote on Thursday, June 06, 2019:

Any function that starts ‘Application’ is something the application
writer is supposed to provide - basically a callback. Try:


For me the documentation is on the second link.

Alternatively, search for the function in the source code and find:

    extern void vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook( void );

    /* Allow the application writer to execute some code in the context of
    this task at the point the task starts executing.  This is useful if the
    application includes initialisation code that would benefit from
    executing after the scheduler has been started. */

So if you don’t need the function, set
configUSE_DAEMON_TASK_STARTUP_HOOK to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

wwdjax wrote on Thursday, June 06, 2019:

Not sure why the freeRTOS demo for this board came with this hook enabled as it does not seem to use it. Turning the hook of fixed the problem, thank you.