RTOS newbie

benduvenage wrote on Monday, November 19, 2012:

Hi All
I’m new to RTOS and would like to us this with my next project.
I have a very good back ground on the PIC32, Just completed a project with
1) 5 UARTS
2) Ethernet (external phy)
3) SPI
4) I2C
6) extra 32 IO’s on the PIC 32 795 512L  ( had to little)
etc. all on the same board.
600K lines of code.

Where do I start with freertos?

davedoors wrote on Monday, November 19, 2012:

If you want to play with existing projects then you can download the PIC32 demos.

If you want to learn how to use an RTOS you can learn a  lot from the FreeRTOS PIC32 book.

benduvenage wrote on Monday, November 19, 2012:

Thanx. will give it a go