RH850 U2A8 multicore porting (R7F702301A)


I have a working reference for FreeRTOS v10.4.1 ported to RH850 single core (R7F701645) which uses the Renesas CCRH compiler

From my desk research, the multi-core support is added from v11 so I will be attempting to upgrade the existing RTOS version of mine on single core first

I can sum up the porting as an implementation of 6 functions (in port.c assembly syntax) and making changes to boot up code for the single-core MCU that I used

  1. trap_set
  4. vPortYield
  5. vPortStart
  6. vPortSetupTimerInterrupt

Similarly, I am looking for a reference for the RH850 port that has the changes to be done to enable multi-core support

  • Are there any additional port assy functions to be implemented for this?
  • Is there any reference port available for reference that closely matches RH850 U2A8 R7F702301A

Kindly suggest

Hi @Eshwar
Welcome to the FreeRTOS Community Forums !

Here is an example of a basic port of FreeRTOS to RH850 .

This is the discussion thread for the porting mechanism.

Let us know if this helps.


Thanks for the reply.

I have achieved porting on RH850 single-core CPU

Kindly suggest the necessary steps (or porting) for enabling multi-core support

Is there any reference port?

Thanks for reporting back.
This discussion thread provides a good starting point for porting your single-core to multi-core support.

Here are some SMP ports -