I have a working reference for FreeRTOS v10.4.1 ported to RH850 single core (R7F701645) which uses the Renesas CCRH compiler
From my desk research, the multi-core support is added from v11 so I will be attempting to upgrade the existing RTOS version of mine on single core first
I can sum up the porting as an implementation of 6 functions (in port.c assembly syntax) and making changes to boot up code for the single-core MCU that I used
Similarly, I am looking for a reference for the RH850 port that has the changes to be done to enable multi-core support
Are there any additional port assy functions to be implemented for this?
Is there any reference port available for reference that closely matches RH850 U2A8 R7F702301A
I have a U2A8 CS+/CCRH project sample that demonstrate multiple instances of FreeRTOS running on different cores (Asymmetric multiprocessing).
If you think this could be helpful, please provide me with your contact details, I am happy to share it with you.
The AMP project on U2A8 is currently using an older version of FreeRTOS.
I will create a PR after testing with the latest FreeRTOS version, following the provided demo template.
Meanwhile, I am working on an SMP port and have encountered an issue.
How do secondary cores manage their task scheduling after the primary core triggers their first task via an IPI?
During SMP porting, Core 1 is getting stuck in an infinite sequence loop involving trap interrupts.
The sequence call of core 1 as the below:
Thank you for your hint.
The issue is that the ‘uxCoreAffinityMask’ for the idle task on core 1 is set to ‘1’.
Where is this 'uxCoreAffinityMask` assigned to ‘2’ for core 1?
I have tried to modify it manually in prvCreateIdleTasks()
, but core 0 raised an exception while core 1 only executes its idle task after a while. There may be an issue with both cores accessing the same pxReadyTasksLists, which causes it to break (core 0 raises an exception at the line: if( listCURRENT_LIST_LENGTH( &( pxReadyTasksLists[ tskIDLE_PRIORITY ] ) ) > ( UBaseType_t ) configNUMBER_OF_CORES in prvIdleTask)
The core affinity is not an issue; the problem is due to an incorrect implementation of the inter-processor interrupt, which inadvertently triggers the ISR on both cores.