Dear All,
I am new to FreeRTOS and busy with a project. This is a large project and at this moment the code got stuck at the moment that the data from a I2C sensor is received. I have put the code so far on github on the foolowing link: GitHub - Gerardnhaiyi/stm32h723
The init runs fine, but as soon run is active it got stuck at ‘osMessageQueueGet’
Init and run are placed below, de complete code with these methods can be viewed at the link.
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "xLDRefpres.hpp"
#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
* Method name: xLDRefpres::xLDRefpres
* Method Description: constructor
* Entry: adress I2C adress of the device
* resetPortIn port of the reset pin
* resetPinIn pin of the reset pin
* exit: None
xLDRefpres::xLDRefpres(uint8_t adress, I2C_HandleTypeDef &hi2cIn, DMA_HandleTypeDef &dmaReciveIn, DMA_HandleTypeDef &dmaSendIn, GPIO_TypeDef *resetPortIn, uint16_t resetPinIn) :
busAdress( adress ), resetPort(resetPortIn), resetPin(resetPinIn), dmaRecv(dmaReciveIn), dmaSend(dmaSendIn), hi2c(hi2cIn)
toISR = osMessageQueueNew(1, IN_BUFFER_SIZE, &toISR_attributes);
fromISR = osMessageQueueNew(NR_MAX_INPUT_MESSAGES, OUT_BUFFER_SIZE, &fromISR_attributes);
// toISR = xQueueCreate( 1, IN_BUFFER_SIZE );
* Method name: xLDRefpres::run
* Method Description: waits for data to be received and than error checks it and parses the data.
* Entry: None
* exit: None
void xLDRefpres::run(dataStorage& ds)
uint8_t buffer[IN_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
// if ( xQueueReceive( fromISR, buffer, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE )
if ( osMessageQueueGet( fromISR, buffer, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE )
uint32_t pressureIn = 0;
uint32_t temperatureIn = 0;
//data: status, PD-pressure <15:8>, PD-pressure <7:0>, PD-temperature <15:8>, PD-temperature <7:0>
if (!parsStatus(buffer[0]))
pressureIn = buffer[1]<<8 | buffer[2]; //16bit
temperatureIn = buffer[3]<<8 | buffer[4]; //16bit
pressure = ((pressureIn - MBA_PRESURE)/sensetivetyPresure)+mesuringRangeStart;
temperature = ((temperatureIn - MBA_TEMP)*SENSETIVETY_TEMP)+MBA_UNIT_TEMP;
ds.setFloatValueName(paramNames::REFERENCE_PRESSURE_LAST_PRESSURE, pressure);
ds.setFloatValueName(paramNames::REFERENCE_PRESSURE_LAST_TEMPERATURE, temperature);
} //if ( xQueueReceive( fromISR, buffer, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE )
I am sure I am doing something wrong, but I don’t know what I do wrong here.
I hope someone can help me to get this to work.