Reading from message queue crashes

ktownsend wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:

I’m trying to set up a task that will regularly check the rx message queue on uart, and I have the ISR working properly, but whenever I try to read the contents of the rx message queue I receive the character, but the mcu crashes immediately afterwards.  Also, if no character is input before xQueuePeek times out (500 ticks in this case) it will also crash.  If I remove the code to check the rx queue, it works fine and happily writes to the uart every 100 ticks as expected.

I just ordered the freertos book (hopefully I’ll get it today), but if there something that I’m doing in this task code that I obviously shouldn’t be?  (All I’m trying to do it send the char back out to the UART just to see if it works or not.)

    static portTASK_FUNCTION(vUART1Task, pvParameters __attribute__((unused)))
      static xQueueHandle rxQueue = NULL;
      uart1GetRxQueue (&rxQueue);
      signed portCHAR rxChar;
      for (;:wink:
        /* Check if anything is available in the rx queue */
        if (rxQueue)
          if (xQueuePeek(rxQueue, &rxChar, (portTickType)500))
             /* Print the result on the uart port */
             char *feedback;
             sprintf(feedback, "Received: %c\r\n", rxChar);
             uart1PutString(feedback, 10);
        // Transmit current tick on UART1
        char *output;
        sprintf(output, "Ticks: %d\r\n", xTaskGetTickCount());
        uart1PutString(output, 10);

ktownsend wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:

It seems that it isn’t actually the queues, but the sprintf that’s causing the problems.  The following code seems to work as expected:

    /* Check if anything is available in the rx queue */
    if (rxQueue)
      if (xQueueReceive(rxQueue, &rxChar, (portTickType)500)) // portMAX_DELAY))
         /* Print the result on the uart port */
         uart1PutString("Received: ", portMAX_DELAY);
         uart1PutChar(rxChar, portMAX_DELAY);
         uart1PutString("\r\n", portMAX_DELAY);

woops_ wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:

char *feedback;
With this line you allocate a character pointer, but no memory to hold the string to which it points. The pointer is uninitialized.

sprintf(feedback, "Received: %c\r\n", rxChar);
With this line you are writing a dozen characters into an address pointed to by an uninitialized pointer, so it will more than likely crash.

ktownsend wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:

Ooops … so busy looking at the queues that I don’t pay attention to what’s right in front of my eyes :slight_smile:

         /* Print the result on the uart port */
         char feedback;
         sprintf(feedback, "Received: %c\r\n", rxChar);
         uart1PutString(feedback, 10);

woops_ wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:

that should be better, but make sure you have enough stack space to hold the 80 character array.