rtel wrote on Saturday, March 01, 2008:
>1. Is the stack for each task derived from the heap defined in the
>options header file?
Yes - the heap defined by configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE in FreeRTOSConfig.h is used by the kernel to obtain the memory it needs each time it creates a task, semaphore, mutex or queue. In most cases this is separate from the heap defined in your linker script or project file - other than when heap_3.c is included in your project in which case the heap setup by the linker is used and configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE has no effect.
See http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html for more information.
>2. Is the RTOS heap (defined in options file) separate from the main
>program heap?
Yes - as above - provided you are not using heap_3.c.
>3. Is there any easy way to check the amount of RTOS heap remaining?
If your application does not dynamically create and delete tasks (or queues, etc) at run time then the amount of heap required is a constant but seeing how much is used depends on the memory scheme being used. If you step into vTaskStartScheduler() you will see that it creates the idle task before starting the scheduler. If there is insufficient heap left to create the idle task the call to vTaskStartScheduler() will return, rather than the scheduler actually starting. You can simply reduce the heap size set by configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE until this happens, then you know there is too little heap and roughly how much is required.
Alternatively step into the vTaskCreate() function when the idle task is created - it makes two calls to pvPortMalloc(), one to allocate the TCB and one to allocate the heap. If you step into pvPortMalloc() you can sometimes see how much heap is left, but as above this depends on the scheme being used. As a short cut for this:
1) Run up to and break on the call to vTaskStartScheduler().
2) Then put a break point in pvPortMalloc() (in heap_1.c, heap_2.c or heap_3.c).
3) Continue the program execution - you will break on the break point in pvPortMalloc(), the first time this happens continue until you hit the break point again. The second time you hit the break point you are in the final call to pvPortMalloc() before the scheduler starts so you can inspect the heap structures to see how much space is left.
>4. Is there any easy way to check the amount of stack used by each task?
The stack used by each task is filled with 0xa5 when the task is created. In the debugger you can inspect the memory pointed to by the stack pointer to see how much is still filled with 0xa5 - this being the stack that has not been used.
Additionally, if you set configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h you can then make a call to usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() but this is a little tricky as you have to pass in a pointer to the task start of the stack. I’m going to make this easier in the next release, for now you can add the following code to task.c:
unsigned short usTaskGetUnusedStack( void )
____return usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( pxCurrentTCB->pxStack );
This will return the free stack space in bytes of the calling task.