pxFillInterfaceDescriptor is undefined in RX NetworkInterface.c


I developed an application which runs on the Renesas RX65N MCU.
Now, I am updating the application from FreeRTOS 202210.00 LTS to 202406.01 LTS, which means FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP will also be updated from v3.1.0 to v4.2.2.

After applying FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP v4.2.2, I encountered build error due to pxFillInterfaceDecscriptor function being undefined.
Scanning through the commit history and pull requests(PR#755) of FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP, I noticed that the function was fully implemented for certain vendors only.


  1. Please kindly advise how to proceed about this minor improvement? I would like to enable backward compatibility for FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP.
  2. May I know why the backward compatibility code was fully implemented for selected vendors only?

Thank you.

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With FreeRTOS+TCP version v4 and above, the FreeRTOS+TCP added support for IPv6 and multiple interfaces & endpoints. Hence the function name pxFillInterfaceDescriptor has been changed to name unique to the interface.

  1. Please kindly advise how to proceed about this minor improvement? I would like to enable backward compatibility for FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP.

If you would like to use the network interface port with backward compatibility enabled then its required to add the following lines in your network interface file:

#if ( ipconfigIPv4_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE != 0 )

/* Do not call the following function directly. It is there for downward compatibility.
 * The function FreeRTOS_IPInit() will call it to initialice the interface and end-point
 * objects.  See the description in FreeRTOS_Routing.h. */

    NetworkInterface_t * pxFillInterfaceDescriptor( BaseType_t xEMACIndex,
                                                    NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface )
        return pxRX_FillInterfaceDescriptor( xEMACIndex, pxInterface );


If you are planning to use it without backward compatibility (recommended for latest features), then the application should call the interface specific fill interface descriptor before the FreeRTOS+TCP is initialized (you should also change your FreeRTOS+TCP initialization code similar to the example in the link):

	extern NetworkInterface_t * pxRX_FillInterfaceDescriptor( BaseType_t xEMACIndex,
                                                        NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface );

	/* Initialize the interface descriptor for RX. */
	pxRX_FillInterfaceDescriptor(0, &(xInterfaces[0]));
  1. May I know why the backward compatibility code was fully implemented for selected vendors only?

Since vendor specific network interface files aren’t core part of the FreeRTOS+TCP and is more of a reference, not all sample network interfaces have been tested with backward compatibility enabled.

Please feel free to raise a pull request to the FreeRTOS+TCP repo if you would like to make the changes necessary for backward compatibility in the network interface you are using.

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Thanks for the reply @tony-josi-aws .
I will raise a pull request for the code change above.

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A pull request has been submitted for this issue.
Updated RX portable layer for backward compatibility · Pull Request #1182 · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP (github.com)

Thank you.

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The PR is stalled and needs a patch. Can you take a look and apply the patch provided by aggarg?