Problems with SOC Cyclone V

It’s a great day for colleagues.
I followed the instructions indicated on the website.
Toolchain Linaro:
After tunnig project i press to build all:

Trouble in Notification Array.
What did I do wrong?

When you build it, the configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES is set to 1 here in FreeRTOS.h.
The demo is specifically written to use at least 3 notification entries. Please specify
in the FreeRTOSConfig.h used by the demo and re-build it.

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Bhoomrs, big thanks.
Yes, I suspected that it was not specified.
But I didn’t find this setting configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES in the freertosConfig.h file.
I Added it.
The project began to compile further, but new error.

Maybe the example contains an old .h configuration file.

You’re welcome!
It looks like the linker can’t find the linker script file.

  1. Verify that the toolchain is correctly installed and its bin directory is in your system’s PATH.
  2. Ensure that you have followed all the steps in FreeRTOS build instructions for the Altera SoC ARM Cortex-A9 correctly, including setting up the required environment variables or paths.
  3. In Eclipse, go to Project Properties → C/C++ Build → Settings → Tool Settings → Cross GCC Linker → Miscellaneous. Check the “Linker flags” field and ensure the path to the linker script is correct.

Yes, i know.
But i write path directly, still not working. May be some flags not write properly

Bhoomrs, i am so sorry.
After writed path for cycloneV-dk-ram. Script founded.
New file did not found, in my demo folder i did not found this file pl see below

Seems like a toolchain problem as this file should be in arm-none-eabi/lib. Please ensure that you have followed all the toolchain installation steps correctly.

Yes, Ur right.
But i did not found correct toolchain. May be u have properly toolchain for garantee compile project

I download for Cyclone V this toolchains.

The instructions here state:

The GCC compiler used to build the project is installed when the Altera EDS is installed. It is necessary to update the project to set the compiler’s location.

If you already haven’t, install the Altera Embedded Development Suite (EDS).

If this doesn’t work, install the latest Linaro version gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-arm-none-eabi as gcc-linaro-7.5.0-2019.12-i686-mingw32_arm-eabi is quite outdated.

Bhoomrs, thanks. But i have ARM Dev Studio 24.1 i did not have Altera Embededd Development Suite. In this time i installed HwLibs. But HwLibs is not possible to compile this project.
My coulegues take me 18 ver soc EDS. I was install him. GCC 6.2.0 arm-altera-eabi.
Project was compiling.
But i have 1 problem:

This function is not found. vApplicationDaemonTaskStartupHook

That is an application function YOU must provide if you have configUSE_DAEMON_TASK_STARTUP_HOOK set to 1

If you don’t have a need for it, set the option to 0.

Many thanks to the Great team!
Mission accomplished!

Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Finished assembling the preloader. Uploaded to the board. Preloader started without problems. Next, the file with the FREERTOS example was downloaded. In the example I did not change anything except the above constants. The program starts. A prompt to the CLI interface appears. Not a single button works. I tried to launch the Step-by-step project. Everything works well, it even intercepted the “help” I wrote in the CLI. after calling working tasks, the program displayed the status of running tasks. Compared with the example everything is fine.
Step by step walks through the same functions waiting for task to be intercepted. I don’t see any comments. But as soon as I remove all the break points and press start, the program freezes and does not respond to keyboard presses.
I tried changing the system parameters Clock Hz (it is not used in the example), but just in case. I tried changing the Tick weight. Nothing helps. After stopping the program after freezing, the system feels like it is moving through the preloader. The lines in the disassembler do not correlate in any way with the running FREERTOS program. Since it responds, but when trying to call an interrupt, the CLI does not get involved in processing this task. May be need some tunning constans?

Is it possible that the program is doing something wrong at a later point. May be try disabling parts of your program to narrow down the problematic part.

Aggard, big thanks for ur answer.
All code works step by step. I replaced the pre-compiled u-boot with my own in preload. Since your u-boot has compiled references to a disk that does not exist.
I suspect that I entered the bsp-editor settings incorrectly and the program does not work correctly.

Could you please drop the bsp-editor config file when installing u-boot.
Br Alex

This is something not related to FreeRTOS and I am not familiar with it. I’d suggest reaching out to the hardware vendor.