Problems with passing parameters to task

tcwden wrote on Wednesday, February 07, 2007:


I’m experiencing a strange problem in passing parameters to a simple task of toggling an led. Below is my code:

const unsigned long SLEEP_TIME[] = {1000000, 3000000}; //sleep for 1 and 3 sec.

void tskFlashLED( void * ptr ) {
   unsigned int index = *((unsigned int*)ptr); //index of led
      if(index < 2){
         vTaskDelay( (unsigned long)SLEEP_TIME[index]/(1000*portTICK_RATE_MS) );  //Delay for 1 or 3 sec
         if(led_status(index) == 0){
            led_on(index);        //Turn on led
         } else{
            led_off(index);        //Turn off led

void vUserMain(){
   unsigned int arg1 = 0;    //Index
   xTaskCreate(tskFlashLED, NULL, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, &arg1, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL);

After debugging, I’ve found that the value of index not equals to arg1 (i.e. 0). Can anyone suggest what might be the problem? My port is dsPic30f5011

Many thanks!


rtel wrote on Wednesday, February 07, 2007:

You are passing the address of a variable that is allocated on the stack of a function - and therefore is only temporary.


tcwden wrote on Thursday, February 08, 2007:

Hi Richand,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

What can I do to work round the problem? In fact, I’ve already taken reference to the example code on BlockQ.c, and I’ve already saved a copy of the value when I enter the function as follow:

void tskFlashLED( void * ptr ) {
   unsigned int index = *((unsigned int*)ptr); //index of led

Thank you in advance.


tcwden wrote on Thursday, February 08, 2007:


I’ve just figured out how to solve the problem.

Since $arg1 is reside in the function vUserMain(), on exit of the function, the local variable $arg1 will not be valid anymore. So $arg1 should either be global of declared static (as in dynamic.c).

Many thanks for your attention.


raedbenz wrote on Monday, November 30, 2009:

is this allowed?

(hash)define LED1  0x0020

xTaskCreate(tskFlashLED, NULL, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*)LED1 , tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL);

i get this " invalid lvalue in unary ‘&’ "
Plz how can I get around this? use an defined value as an argument?

raedbenz wrote on Tuesday, December 01, 2009:

sorry, last post sorted…thanks