problem with printf with PIC32MX795F512L

dabaf wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

Recently  I posted a question about  the function printf that would not work with my PIC32MX360F512L. I  received advices from this forum  to check on DBINT(),vSetupEnvironment(),… in the demos. I checked everything was exactly in place according to the proposition provided in the forum. I thought may be it was because I was not equipped with the right pic32, since in the book  (FreeRTOS -a practical guide-pic32 edition) uses the PIC32MX795F512L.
I decided to buy the PIC32MX795F512L starter kit. But in my grand surprise still the printf won’t display. I just don’t know what to do. I have two starter kit pic32 and the book from FreeRTOS and I really want to learn rtos, but I cant display anything to learn the rtos concepts.  I really don’t know what else to do. Can somebody help me or anybody had the same problem as me. Otherwise I bought all those equipments for nothing.
Thanx for your help,

rtel wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

Could you tell me which version of the compiler you are using.  The files are configured for the latest version.  Maybe there is a problem when using them with an older version - although I would not have thought that would be the case.


dabaf wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

I am using the latest verion of the MPLAB IDE with the c30 compiler for the pic32. I am running my application on a Windows 7 64 bits.


rtel wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

It is the version number of C30 that I am interested in.


dabaf wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

Actually I just checked my compiler version and it is : MPLAB  C Compiler for PIC32 MCUs v1.11(b)

dabaf wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

I upgraded the compiler to PIC32 MCUs v1.12(a) and still nothing. 


ricklpray wrote on Friday, April 01, 2011:

I’m having the same problem.  I have the recommended starter kit (USB Starter Kit II).  I’m on Windows 7 64 bit.  I can run the demo and set break points, but I get no output from the vPrintString function.  I can’t find any settings that appear to deal with this.  Is there anyone out there that knows anything about this problem?

ricklpray wrote on Friday, April 01, 2011:

I figured out the problem on mine after reading your other post.  I just commented out the vSetIOBuffering(); line in vSetupEnvironment() and my vPrintString() output is working now.  I’ll bet this will solve your problem as well.

rtel wrote on Friday, April 01, 2011:

The way the IO buffering works changed between C32 compiler versions.  The older versions have line buffering by default, the latest has no buffering by default.  The vSetIOBuffering() line was added to switch line buffering on when using the latest C32 version (or, more accurately, the libraries that come with the latest version).

I was having this conversation with somebody just recently and it appears that if you are using the latest MPLAB/C32 tools then vSetIOBuffering() is required to prevent the characters appearing in the console window extremely slowly.  If you are using an older compiler version then vSetIOBuffering() should not be used.
