Porting uIP to FreeRTOS

nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Hi ,

I want to know the procedure to port uIP to FreeRTOS.My actual intention is to port uIP to a different RTOS , If I can know the procedure for this , hopefully I can implement my original task.

Thanks and regards

Durga Prasad

rtel wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

It depends what you want it to do.  The FreeRTOS demo runs uIP as a task.  See the uIP documentation on Adam Dunkels homepage for information on the uIP interface.

nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Thanks a lot for your reply, what I want to do is to bring a TFTP functionality to a undisclosed operating system , by porting the appropriate TCP/IP stack , to upgrade the firmware of a modem.

nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Hi Barry,

thanks for your early reply , what am trying to do is to bring TFTP functionality to an undisclosed operating system , by porting a appropriate TCP/IP stack to the RTOS , to upgrade the firmware of a modem, Can you give me some idea , how to proceed?

rtel wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Well, I only support my own system :wink:

The first thing you will have to do is get interface to the Ethernet chip (MAC) written and tested.  Next get uIP running stand alone - without the RTOS.  You can then test the system behaves as you want.

Finally you will be able to get the tested system executing as a task under the RTOS.  For this you will probably want an interrupt to wake the TCP/IP task when there is data to process.

As I said, the documentation for uIP is quite good and the best place for you to start.

nobody wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2005:

Hi Barry,

thanks a lot …