portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate

abuteir wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

I really beginner with freeROTS. my question is: why, after this code,

ret_val = xTaskCreate (vMMI_Menu, “MMI_Menu”, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, \
                         tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL);
call the main code  this  function

signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned
portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask )
signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;
tskTCB * pxNewTCB;

Thank you in advance

rtel wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

Sorry - I don’t understand your question.  Can you re-phrase it?


abuteir wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

hi richardbarry ,

I hope to get my idee.

when I have the code Main of simulation software studio 4. Exact in this line 'ret_val = xTaskCreate (vMMI_Menu, “MMI_Menu”, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, NULL) ‘’ call this  instead of calling the function ‘‘signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned  portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask )’’. I am tried to find the function ‘‘vMMI_Menu’’ but i dont have it in my code .why the simulation he desen’t give me error or why he go in the ander function. 

Thank you in advance

rtel wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

I think you are saying that you are using xTaskCreate() to create a task that is defined by the function vMMI_Menu - but vMMI_Menu does not appear anywhere in your project so you don’t understand how it can link.

I would agree with you, if vMMI_Menu does not exist then the code cannot link.  Maybe it isn’t linking?  Or maybe vMMI_Menu is #defined to something else?  In any case I have looked through the FreeRTOS code and cannot see that the name vMMI_Menu appears anywhere so I’m guessing it is a function you have defined yourself.
