PollQ possible bug

nobody wrote on Monday, December 04, 2006:


the following is stated in the PollQ.c file in minimal:
#define pollqPRODUCER_DELAY        ( ( portTickType ) 200 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
#define pollqCONSUMER_DELAY        ( pollqPRODUCER_DELAY - ( portTickType ) 20)
This will not work if:
portTICK_RATE_MS = 10

pollqCONSUMER_DELAY will then become 0, is that realy wanted. I suggest the following:

#define pollqPRODUCER_DELAY        ( ( portTickType ) 200 / portTICK_RATE_MS )
#define pollqCONSUMER_DELAY        ( pollqPRODUCER_DELAY - ( portTickType ) 20 / portTICK_RATE_MS )

nobody wrote on Monday, December 04, 2006:

I think this is changed already in the latest version (?)