PIC32MX port version

harrywright88 wrote on Thursday, January 21, 2016:

I have downloaded the FreeRTOS source code that accompanies the PIC32 port book, but it appears to be v7.5.3. Is there much difference between this and the current version of FreeRTOS, and if so is it a relatively easy task for me to port over to the latest version?

rtel wrote on Thursday, January 21, 2016:

The version history can be found here: http://www.FreeRTOS.org/History.txt

If you purchased the book recently you should have also received a pre-release of the latest book “Mastering the FreeRTOS real time kernel”. The code that comes with that book is up to date. You can also obtain the latest code using the normal download link found (if you look hard enough ;o) on the FreeRTOS.org website. The latest version should be backward compaible with V7.5.3, so you should just be able to drop the latest code over the top of the older code in your directory structure. That is the theory anyway.


harrywright88 wrote on Thursday, January 21, 2016:

That’s a shame, I purchased the book last June but have only just got around to reading it! When should the new book be available for purchase?