Ota job creation

aws ota job creation for code signing esp32c3 device is not available… tried as per

having errors and update is failing:
E (514394) OTA: Failed to decode Base64 data: base64Decode returned error: error=1
E (514404) OTA: Failed to extract document parameter: error=4, paramter key=sig-sha256-ecdsa
I (514404) OTA: Failed to parse JSON document as AFR_OTA job: DocParseErr_t=4
E (514414) OTA: Failed to parse custom job document: OtaJobParseErr_t=OtaJobParseErrUnknown, jobIdLength=17
E (514424) OTA: Failed to parse the job document after parsing the job name: OtaJobParseErr_t=OtaJobParseErrNonConformingJobDoc, Job name=AFR_OTA-esp32c305
for esp32 ota update was ok. please suggest what changes required for aws ota esp32c3 device.

I do not think we have tried OTA on esp32c3 device. Can you try the same instructions as ESP32 and not windows simulator? Next debugging step will be to dump this JSON doc which is failing to parse.

This same topic was also posted on AWS re:Post. I’ll repost my reply below…

The error code OtaJobParseErrNonConformingJobDoc and the message:

OTA: Failed to extract document parameter: error=4, paramter key=sig-sha256-ecdsa I (514404) OTA: Failed to parse JSON document as AFR_OTA job

make me thing your job document is somehow formatted incorrectly. How did you create the job? Is there any obvious difference in the job document between your failing job and your successful job (AFR_OTA-esp32c305)?