nobody wrote on Friday, April 28, 2006:
I’m studing your rtos code for Atmel AVR.
But I’ve some question about priority and task execution time.
This is my problem :
suppose we have 3 task (A, B, C)
I want to be sure that each task is executed every 1 mSec independently from their time of elaboration.
But the important thing is that the scheduler must stops task A , task B or task C and start the other tasks independently from their work.
I explain : if task A (in reponse to an user input…a stupid example…an user has entered to calc the sqr from 1 to 25000000) needs about 10 mSec for his work, I want that the kernel stops task A and executes task B.
Same thing for the other task. Task B must be stopped (if not finished) after max 1 msec because another task needs starting
Is it possible with freertos ???
Another question:
In the article about context switching you write "TaskB has a higher priority than TaskA so vTaskSwitchContext() selects TaskB as the task to be given processing time when the ISR completes" (
But if I have only two task (A and B) in my program and the task B has low priority then task A, the context switch will never happens ???
Excuse me, but I’m a primer with rtos.
Thank you
Best regards