Only one of wwo queues working on Tiva TM4c123GXL

jordied wrote on Friday, March 27, 2015:

I have a task which is monitoring the status of two push buttons. Called SwitchTask:

        while(1) {
		// Poll the debounced state of the buttons.
		ui8CurButtonState = ButtonsPoll(0, 0);
		// Check if previous debounced state is equal to the current state.
		if(ui8CurButtonState != ui8PrevButtonState)
				ui8PrevButtonState = ui8CurButtonState;

				// Check to make sure the change in state is due to button press
				// and not due to button release.
				if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) != 0)
						if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) == LEFT_BUTTON)
								ui8Message = LEFT_BUTTON;
								ui8MessageToScreen = LEFT_BUTTON;
								// Guard UART from concurrent access.
								xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
								UARTprintf("Left Button is pressed.\n");
						else if((ui8CurButtonState & ALL_BUTTONS) == RIGHT_BUTTON)
								ui8Message = RIGHT_BUTTON;
								ui8MessageToScreen = RIGHT_BUTTON;
								// Guard UART from concurrent access.
								xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
								UARTprintf("Right Button is pressed.\n");

						// Pass the value of the button pressed to LEDTask.
						if(xQueueSend(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &ui8MessageToScreen, portMAX_DELAY) !=
								// Error. The queue should never be full. If so print the
								// error message on UART and wait for ever.
								UARTprintf("\nScreen Queue full. This should never happen.\n");

						if(xQueueSendToFront(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &ui8Message, portMAX_DELAY) !=
							// Error. The queue should never be full. If so print the
							// error message on UART and wait for ever.
							UARTprintf("LED Queue full. This should never happen.\n");


		// Wait for the required amount of time to check back.
		vTaskDelayUntil(&ui16LastTime, ui32SwitchDelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);

I haev tried xQueueSend, xQueueSendToFront and xQueueSendToBack. The Queues are initialized like this:

    g_pLEDQueue = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(uint8_t));
g_pScreenButtonQueue = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(uint8_t));

However only the Screen Task actually receives . They are called like this:

    if(xQueueReceive(g_pScreenButtonQueue, &i8MessageFromButton,10) == pdPASS) {
        // Does stuff

    if(xQueueReceive(g_pLEDQueue , &i8Message,10) == pdPASS) {
        // Does stuff

I have tired butting 0 and 10.

If I swap the order of the If statements for the send then it works. Any ideas?

davedoors wrote on Friday, March 27, 2015:

The code you posted never sends on the g_pLEDQueue queue.

jordied wrote on Saturday, March 28, 2015:

Yes that is why. I feel so dumb