NIOS II port memory requirements

I just want to start with the NIOS 2 port installing on my FPGA, but I found out, that the demo needs 9MB of memory, I have 8MB on board …
I former used FreeRTOS on an ARM M4 core (also 32 Bit cpu as NIOS is) with 1MB flash & 80kb ram and used 15% of the flash and 85% of the ram running FreeRTOS, about 15 tasks, lot of drivers, a command line interface wit lot of commands, a help system integrated, tracalizer implemented and …
Is the info about the NIOS 2 port correct?
Is there anybody out using FreeRTOS on NIOS 2?

Thanks a lot for helping.

With best regards


Where is the information you are reading?

It may be the demo required 9MB, the kernel definitely doesn’t. The amount of RAM required by the kernel varies very little between different 32-bit devices, the main difference being the amount of stack each task needs. That changes because different processors have different number of registers that need saving and restoring, and because the compiler ABIs are not all the same (some ABIs save a lot of registers on a function call, others just a handful if any).

Hi Richard,

here is the link.

So you think I have a chance? Fine.

With best regards
