I implemented a new function “pvPortRealloc” for reallocating memory not present in heap_x.c.
void *pvPortRealloc( void *pv, size_t xWantedSize )
size_t move_size;
size_t block_size;
BlockLink_t * pxLink;
void *pvReturn = NULL;
uint8_t * puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv;
if (xWantedSize > 0)
if (pv != NULL)
/* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure
* immediately before it. */
puc -= xHeapStructSize;
/* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */
pxLink = ( void * ) puc;
configASSERT( heapBLOCK_IS_ALLOCATED( pxLink ) != 0 );
if( heapBLOCK_IS_ALLOCATED( pxLink ) != 0 )
/* Extract allocation size with masking */
block_size = (pxLink->xBlockSize & ~heapBLOCK_ALLOCATED_BITMASK) - xHeapStructSize;
/* Allocate new free space */
pvReturn = pvPortCalloc(1, xWantedSize);
/* Check valid allocation */
if (pvReturn != NULL)
/* Move data from source to new buffer with limit size */
if (block_size < xWantedSize)
/* New free space is smaller */
move_size = block_size;
/* New free space is greater */
move_size = xWantedSize;
/* Copy data from source */
memcpy(pvReturn, pv, move_size);
/* Free block of previous allocation */
/* This block is not allocate, create new */
pvReturn = pvPortCalloc(1, xWantedSize);
/* Pointer is NULL, create new */
pvReturn = pvPortCalloc(1, xWantedSize);
/* Exit without memory block */
pvReturn = NULL;
return pvReturn;
In your experience, what can I improve, mitigate, modify the function to make it fit the FreeRTOs standard ?
Could this be useful ?
Thanks very much.