naming conventions

tns1 wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2008:

I am not seeing anything in the docs about the coding standard used in FreeRtos. I assume the prefixes are along the lines of ‘u’=unsigned,‘s’=signed (or short?),‘p’=ptr … so what is the ‘x’ and ‘v’ prefix supposed to mean?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2008:

See although this is a little old.  ‘x’ is also used for variables of type portBASE_TYPE, which is the most efficient type for the architecture, typically char for 8bitters, short for 16bitters and long for 32bitters.


rtel wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2008:

‘v’ is also missing.  v for void.  So vTaskDelete() is defined in Task.c (from name) and returns a void.
