MQTT demo not working amazon Free RTOS 201906.00 Major

omkw wrote on July 03, 2019:

I am newbie about amazon Free RTOS.

my host PC : Windows10
target board : ESPr developer 32 (maybe this board is same as ESP32-devkitC which is an an AWS-qualified development board.)

I could compile amazon Free RTOS(version:201906.00 Major) mqtt demo by cmake, and flash it to my target board. but, it does’nt work.

I made “thing” and attach the policy which have “AmazonFreeRTOSFullAccess” and “AWSIoTFullAccess” to the “thing”.

the runtime log is below.

please help me.

SarenaAtAws wrote on July 03, 2019:

Hello omkw,

Your error on the attachment tells me that there may be problems with your TLS client keys and certificate. Please double check that +amazon-freertos\demos\include\aws_clientcredential_keys.h+ has keyCLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PEM and keyCLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM defined appropriately.

Also make sure that your thing name is filled out in +amazon-freertos\demos\include\aws_clientcredential.h+ in clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT.

Are you following the instructions here?:
The instructions here have a “quick start” start script that will fill in +aws_clientcredential_keys.h+ and +aws_clientcredential.h+ to be demo ready.

AWSIoTFullAccess and AmazonFreeRTOSFullAccess are policies attached to your AWS account/user. The policy attached to your thing is attached to the certificates associated with your thing. Please see for information about attaching a policy to the certificates associated with your thing.

After following all of the above advice go ahead and try building and running the MQTT demo on the ESP32 device again.