I am working up to IOT on AWS and trying to implement things in stages on my target processor. I am simply trying to establish TLS MQTT communication with test.mosquitto.org.
I am running the MQTT_Basic_TLS demo in Microsoft Visual Studio and it appears that the Ethernet/TCP and TLS interfaces are connecting but then I get errors when it tries to establish MQTT communication. (see below)
I am not sure what I can change to make things work.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
13 6726 [IP-Task] TCP: active 29527 => set ESTAB (scaling 1)
Socket 29527 -> State eCONNECT_SYN->eESTABLISHED
14 6726 [DemoTask] [INFO] [SocketsWrapper] [TCP_Sockets_Connect:180] Established TCP connection with test.mosquitto.org.15 7006 [DemoTask] [INFO] [MbedtlsTransport] [tlsHandshake:568] (Network connection 021AFC58) TLS handshake successful.
16 7006 [DemoTask] [INFO] [MbedtlsTransport] [TLS_FreeRTOS_Connect:726] (Network connection 021AFC58) Connection to test.mosquitto.org established.
17 7006 [DemoTask] [INFO] [MQTTDemo] [prvMQTTDemoTask:520] Creating an MQTT connection to test.mosquitto.org.
18 7126 [IP-Task] Socket 29527 -> State eESTABLISHED->eLAST_ACK
[ERROR] [MQTT] [logConnackResponse:1083] 19 7126 [DemoTask] Connection refused: not authorized.
20 7126 [DemoTask] [ERROR] [MQTT] [receiveConnack:2365] CONNACK recv failed with status = MQTTServerRefused.
21 7126 [DemoTask] [ERROR] [MQTT] [MQTT_Connect:2690] MQTT connection failed with status = MQTTServerRefused.
vAssertCalled( C:\proj\FreeRTOSv202212.00\FreeRTOS-Plus\Demo\coreMQTT_Windows_Simulator\MQTT_Basic_TLS\DemoTasks\BasicTLSMQTTExample.c, 707