Migration from deprecated rtos v10.4.3 to v11.0.1

I’m currently trying to migrate my legacy freertos 20210526_Archive that has been deprecated to to the latest LTS version outcome there so that i can actually upgrade the kernel itself to v11.0.1

Are there migration guides besides the History.txt that’s provided?

This is my plan of attack hopefully someone can point out some flaws:

  1. I’m planning on migrating the deprecated amazon-freertos to the latest FreeRTOS-LTS
    and because I’m heavily using the espressif vendor library I would just need to add a submodule since this is no longer in “amazon-freertos”.

And that would be for every submodule I’m using that was nicely bundled up with the amazon-freertos repo.

  1. The other route I’m thinking on taking is to really just have a dependency dir with all the individual submodules of interest for example FreeRTOS-Kernel, coreMQTT, esp-idf, etc

I have thus far played around with the migration but it’s been very difficult to even upgrade from v10.4.3 to v10.6.x with so many parts involved I’m simply getting lost and things breaking

any pointers would highly be appreciated…

Thank you in advance

Have you looked at our reference integration for ESP - GitHub - FreeRTOS/iot-reference-esp32c3? Is it similar to what you are looking for?

Hi Gaurav

I unfortunately needed to deprioritize that until recently, but I have consider looking at your suggestion but not quite what I need due to the intent not being clear from previous request

The ultimate goal is to move away from the deprecated “all in one” amazon-freertos to the current standalone modules. Specifically upgrading to the current kernel v11.0.1 to be able to leverage the SMP that has been merged into v11 and at the same time completely moving away from the deprecated amazon-freertos

An ideal documentation to be pointed to would be one that guides a migration from v10.x.x to standalone libraries for esp32

The repository I referenced serves as a model integration, illustrating how to incorporate our standalone libraries on ESP32 platforms. I suggest using this as your starting point, then building upon it by adding your specific application logic.

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