lwIP on EVK1100

thavela wrote on Friday, April 12, 2013:


I am using EVK1100 board with Win7 + ICE3 + Atmel studio 6. For some reason the FreeRTOS lwIP example does not work properly. I am not able to connect to the board. Could the problem be in router too? I also tried the lwIP + DHCP example and problem is still valid. In that example when I connect the cable between router and EVK1100, display shows that “DHCP started” but that is it.

Could someone tel me how to get those to work?

rtel wrote on Friday, April 12, 2013:

Where did you get the project from?


thavela wrote on Friday, April 12, 2013:


From the Example Projects ASF is Studio6. It shows two examples for EVK1100 kit.


rtel wrote on Friday, April 12, 2013:

Sorry I am not familiar with those demos so can’t support them.  I have done lots of ASF related work recently, but only on the SAM3/4 products.
