LPCXpresso Baseboard

vermontgeek wrote on Wednesday, August 08, 2012:

Hi ,

Looking at FreeRTOS+IO Demo and it requires a BaseBoard not sure what  to order? Some sites call the lpc1769 a base board?
Hardware platform and software tools
Both demos are configured to run on the LPCXpresso LPC1769 CPU board fitted to an LPCXpresso base board. The LPCXpresso IDE is used to build, flash, and debug the application.

davedoors wrote on Wednesday, August 08, 2012:

this is it http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/lpcxpresso/xpr_base.php

vermontgeek wrote on Friday, August 10, 2012:

Thanks !

anonymous wrote on Friday, August 17, 2012:


I am using Xpresso LPC1227 eval bd:

I would like to use software timer APIs provided by FreeRTOS:

but the FreeRTOS examples for LPC12xx from:

does not have FreeRTOS timer APIs. It is outdated.  Does anyone have any working examples of FreeRTOS timer on LPC1227 Xpresso bd. please send me the info.

Thanks in advance.


rtel wrote on Friday, August 17, 2012:

The software timer module is not hardware dependent (there is no port layer), so you should just be able to upgrade your project to the latest FreeRTOS version to make the software timer functionality available.  To do that, just drop the latest FreeRTOS files over the top of the files in your build (always recommended to take a backup first, of course).
