LM3S6965 Eval RevC OLED did not work

yyang2000 wrote on Tuesday, September 02, 2008:

Hi, Is someone knows the LM3S6965 RevC Eval board has no display functionility since the board has switched to RevC? I used the LM3S6965 RevC Eval board to run the demo from FreeRTOS (LM3Sxxxx TCP/IP Keil version) and followed the instructions to replace the Osram128x64x4 with the rit128x96x4 in every where in the project. But OLED display is still not work. Does any one know how to fix this problem?
Bill Yang 

rtel wrote on Wednesday, September 03, 2008:

I presume you are able to step through the code in the debugger so know that the application is actually running.

I don’t have a Rev C board here unfortunately.  Can you run some of the Luminary demo code to check that the display works with their code, then see if they do anything different in the initialisation.


djg wrote on Wednesday, September 03, 2008:

I have the changes I made to make FreeRTOS 4.7.2 work on a rev C board on my FreeRTOS under Linux page.  http://www.pdp8.net/other/freertos_linux/install.shtml
The changes needed in patch (context diff) format are http://www.pdp8.net/other/freertos_linux/rev_c_patch.txt
+ is lines added, - is lines deleted ! is lines changed.
The lines after *** #,# *** are the old file and lines and after — #,# — are the new file.

yyang2000 wrote on Friday, September 05, 2008:

Thanks all, I figured out what is wrong with the OLED display. The revision of rit128x96x4.c file need to be updated to latest revision. After I updated the revision of rit128x96x4.c, it works.  Thanks again.
Bill Yang

whynotwhynot wrote on Thursday, September 18, 2008:

Hi Barry,

For this build, can you give us some example on how you using uIP stack into your port?

Could you please briefly explain how you start, which file you have changed in order to use uIP…

It will help me a lot to learn how to use uIP and FreeRTOS. It will be a good example. How you modify some function in low level, how you integrate the drivers, and how you implement in the application level…

davedoors wrote on Thursday, September 18, 2008:

There already is a full working example for uIP for the LM3S6965 in the FreeRTOS download.